Buy Now

NOTE: Purchases are processed manually as soon as possible after they are received.   Because I am in Australia, there is a good chance that you placed your order while I was asleep.  Please keep this in mind as you may not receive your code for up to 24 hours. 

Current time in Sydney, Australia : 12:24 am

Purchase options

There are now two options when purchasing oziTarget.

  • The main oziTarget application is required to access the full range of core features.  Visit the Core Features Page for more information on what is included.  Live Tracking is not included in the the core features.
  • Live tracking is purchased separately and uses a subscription service.  Subscriptions to live tracking can be purchased in 3, 6 or 12 month blocks.
  • Please read the purchase notes below and understand the timing for issuing your codes. 

NOTE:  Your oziTarget purchase does not include Ozi Explorer.  Visit to download and purchase Ozi Explorer

Learn more about licensing requirements and make sure you understand your purchase.

oziTarget application

All the core features and includes updates for life as per with the upgrade and update policy on this page.

ProPack / Live Tracking

Access to exclusive ProPack features for subscribers only.  These features including Live Tracking are available in either 3, 6 or 12 months blocks.

By making this purchase you are confirming you are aware of the following requirements;

  • an internet connection is required to send or receive tracking data. 
  • one subscription per computer to send the full data stream.
  • all other ProPack tools do not require an internet connection.

For more information please visit the Live Tracking Page before you make your purchase.

At the end of your subscription period you will need to make a new purchase and new access codes will be issued.  Auto renewal is not an option at this time.

There is no trial option for the Live Tracking at this time.

Learn more about licensing requirements and make sure you understand your purchase.

How to register

Information on how to apply your registration file can be found here: 

Secure your registraion file(s)

Please keep a copy of your registration file(s) in a safe place.

  1. Save a copy to the oziTarget directory on your flight computer
  2. Save a copy to a cloud service like Google Drive or similar
  3. Save a copy on your home computer or server…you get the idea 🙂
  4. Save and tag the email with the registration file for later use

Try and save the registration files where you can get them if your flight computer is damaged/lost or stolen. 

Either due to time zone issues (I am in Australia) or personal participation in an event, I may not be able to instantly respond with a copy of your file. 

Requests for lost or replacement registration files are becoming common enough that I may need to charge for the service.

Purchase notes

  1. Registration details are processed manually and will be emailed back ASAP after your payment is made.
  2. Please remember that I am based in Australia so you may not receive a reply until the sun has come up down here.
  3. Your oziTarget purchase does not include Ozi Explorer.  Visit to download and purchase Ozi Explorer
  4. While all care is taken with this program it is a work in progress so I strongly suggest testing and playing with oziTarget in TRIAL mode first to make sure it does what you want and works with your set up.
  5. A trial version of the Live Tracking tool is not available.
  6. Refunds will not be issued once a registration code is issued for either the main application or for tracking.
  7. This program is not affiliated with OziExplorer except that it piggybacks on existing versions using an API released by the developer of OziExplorer.
  8. Changes to OziExplorer and the Windows operating system are beyond my control so always keep a backup of your last known working version of your operating system and Oziexplorer.
  9. Avoid Windows updates during an event. We have already seen one Windows update bug cause problems in the wild so you have been warned.

Upgrade and update policy

oziTarget provides software releases to provide new functionality and to fix problems uncovered in current products. oziTarget uses four mechanisms to provide enhancements and bug fixes:

(1) Major Releases or Upgrades

From December 2016, Major releases may be subject to extra registration costs. A Major Release, also known as an Upgrade, is a release of the Software that contains functional enhancements and extensions and is designated by oziTarget by means of a change in the digit to the left of the first decimal point (e.g., Software 1.0 >> Software 2.0).

(2) Extensions and subscription features

New features or plug-ins may be available for purchase separate to the main oziTarget program.  These may be available as one off purchases or by subscription.

(3) Minor Releases

Minor releases are free for the life of oziTarget. A Minor Release is a generally available release of oziTarget that introduces a limited amount of new features, functionality and minor enhancements, fixes for high severity and high priority bugs identified in the current release, and is designated by oziTarget by means of a change in the digit to the right of the decimal point (e.g., Software 1.4>>Software 1.5).

(4) Maintenance Releases or Updates

Maintenance Releases or Updates are free for the life of ozitarget. A Maintenance Release is a generally available release of the Software that typically provides maintenance corrections only or high severity bug fixes, designated by oziTarget by means of a change in the digit to the right of the second decimal point (e.g. Software 1.4.7 >> Software 1.4.8)

Licence agreement

More fine print (August 2015)

I am not going to get into crazy detailed licence agreements here or anywhere except to say the following;

  • By using or purchasing this software you acknowledge that it may not be fit for any purpose whatsoever including but not limited to aviation navigation.
  • There is a real risk that you may fall off a chair, cliff or edge of your basket while using this software. This may not be related to using the software but in any case, you need to take responsibility for your own lack of balance or judgment.
  • Updates and fixes will be at the discretion of the author and while intended to be timely, may be delayed by my real job and family life.
  • Try and avoid installing a new version the night before a competition without having a back up of the old version on hand. Task 1 is not the time to find out I broke something for you. I have avoided the “Beta” tag but guess what. It is.
  • Please do not share your registration code among your friends and cats. Especially cats! One registration per pilot and preferably per computer. Running a second copy for testing at home for example is fine, having a backup flight computer ready to go is fine, running the same licence for all of your team is not.
  • If you want more features then get more people to buy it. If 90 competitors out of the next World Championship are using your registration code with my software then that is just silly for all of us and development stops right there.
  • I could have gone all silly with trying to tie registrations to a single computer but that annoys the hell out of me so I am not going to do it to you.
  • Enough said. Any questions, please email me before making a purchase.
  • Have fun.