Importing Wind readings
oziTarget can now import most wind reader formats from the windreader page.
The most common format is the Windwatch format generated by the WindWatch software developed by André-Netline and Marc Andre.
Other systems such as the Windsond can be configured to generate the same WindWatch file formats that are can then directly imported into oziTarget.
If generating your own windsond software then consider matching the oziTarget XML format that allows for full control of the imported data.
- Select the wind reading 1, 2 or 3 to import the reading into
- Click load and navigate to your file to be imported
- If your windreading file is updated, click the refresh button to re-load it.
Note: any data will be over written and can’t be undone.
4. Check the imported data settings match your expectations by opening the settings with the gear icon.
Windwatch data from the Windsond
The Windwatch.dat file created by the Windsond software does not give all of the detail required when importing. It is not clear from the files generated if the winds are in True or Magnetic and To or From. This is the same for both Windwatch.dat and Windwatch.csv files.
The readings can be set as Magnetic or True in the Windsond settings so it is suggested that TRUE is always used so you can control magnetic variation adjustments in oziTarget.
As far as I can tell Winds will always be FROM and are AGL. The Windwatch.dat format also gives you the elevation for the reading as such is the better option in my opinion.
In oziTarget, loading a Windwatch.dat or csv file will assume winds are True and From. If that is not the way your readings are set up you will need to adjust them after import each time.
Adjust the data
With the settings open you can either adjust the labels to match the data if they are incorrect at the time of import or you can recalculate the data if needed.
For example if you knew your imported data direction was actually “From” then you can just flip the to / From setting with no change to the actual data.
If however the data came in as “To” but you want to work in “From” then change the “Rename” toggle to “Recalculate” and switching “To” to “From” will recalculate all of your readings for you.
The same applies for the other key settings.
Magnetic Variation and Elevation are not currently able to be adjusted so it is worth making sure that your incoming data is in the format you want.
Sample files - Windwatch.csv
WindWatch Measurement 22/06/2014 5:59:10 PM
Height AGL [ft];Heading [deg];Speed [km/h]
Sample - Windwatch.dat
Version 1.0, ID = 1367370914
05/01/13 03:15:14, Ground Level: 103 m
Windsond measurement
AGL [m] Wind [°] Speed [m/s]
5 128.0 0.8
55 223.3 2.9
105 298.2 5.0
155 293.1 7.4
205 298.9 9.6
255 303.4 11.0
305 307.1 11.4
355 310.5 11.1
405 313.9 10.5
Sample - oziTarget XML
2022-01-27 0311
<wRs> is the header table for your windreading and is used to give context to all the readings in the <wR> table.
<Id> Any description for the windreading
<SpdUnits> Km/h or M/s or Kts
<AltUnits> Feet or Meters
<DirToFrom> To or From
<DirMagTrue> Magnetic or True
<AglAmsl> AMSL or AGL
<MagVariation> +/- degrees variation
<Elevation> Elevation the reading was started at in Feet or Meters as per AltUnits